What is the AMEAO?
The Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AME) Association of Ontario is one of six similar associations across Canada, the others being the Atlantic, Quebec, Central, Western, and Pacific associations. These associations represent regional interests as well as concerns of national importance. The membership is comprised of AMEs, non-licensed personnel working in the industry, students and apprentices, as well as Corporate members. The Aircraft Maintenance Engineers of Canada TEAC is Techniciens D’Entretien D’Aeronefs du Canada (AMEC), is a national body that is supported and financed by all the regional associations and which represents the associations at the national level.
The AME Association of Ontario is a non-profit organization, run by a volunteer group of AMEs and non-AMEs. Directors are elected by member AMEs to the Board for a two-year term. The purpose of the association is to maintain and enhance the standards of professionalism of the AME and the aircraft maintenance industry as a whole, and to promote the rights and privileges of the AME.
The association works with and is consulted by Transport Canada in the formulation of new rules and regulations to promote the viewpoint of the AME. We are represented on various committees and working groups involved with aircraft maintenance and licensing. We support the community college aircraft maintenance programs throughout Ontario through annual monetary awards to their top students. Two workshops are conducted annually. One in the Toronto area and the other in Thunder Bay. These workshops are run by separate committees under the auspices of the association. The workshops (Toronto is a two-day event and Thunder Bay is a single-day event) feature speakers on a variety of topics. An industry trade show with over fifty booths from various companies, suppliers, manufacturers, and other organizations is part of the workshop presentation. Attendance at this and our various other smaller workshops and training sessions can be counted towards the recurrent training requirements by Transport Canada. We publish periodic newsletters which contain items of current interest to our members as well as commentaries and articles on maintenance procedures.
What We Do
“To Represent, Promote and Mentor”
- Promotion of Aircraft Maintenance as a viable career choice
- Skills Competitions to bring our industry to the public
- Mentorship of young AME’s
- Support (in the form of Bursaries) students registered in Full Time Aviation Programs at AME Association Member Approved Training Organizations. ($500 per program per ATO totaling up to $6,000 per year)
- Assist in AME’s dealing with Transport Canada issues
- Expand your network! Meet people & make industry contacts